
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Dawn's Blogalicious Meets Fishalicious!

How cool is it that the restaurant was named Fishalicious?? Of course, we HAD to go there!  While in Curacao, we did not find great food, but we had high hopes for a restaurant named Fishalicious. It was after my own heart, or at least destined for a blog entry!

When we arrived to the restaurant in our tiny lime green rental car, we were the only people in the restaurant. That was a little alarming at first, but then it began to fill up and we felt better about our restaurant choice.

There were a lot of great choices on the menu, but I was drawn to one type of fish…..catfish! Those of you who know me well know I love me some catfish, but could I really order that in Curacao?? That seemed silly. I should try something else, right? Like barracuda. David still regrets not ordering the barracuda. So I asked the waitress about the catfish. She told me it was from Holland (see, I can’t get Holland catfish at home) and that it was paired with a mushroom risotto (now she’s just teasing me. I love risotto!). ‘Nuff said, I needed to order the catfish! I am proud to admit that I was in Curacao and I ordered catfish! That’s right, judge away people. Before you get too judgy though, take a look at that picture of the catfish. How delicious does that look? Does that look like your normal deep friend catfish? No. Let me tell you, this was the most delicious catfish I’ve ever put in my mouth. It was so different from any that I’ve ever eaten. It was thick, moist and buttery. It was heavenly! I’m so glad I ordered this. It has changed my life!

Let me back up a bit though…….for our first course, we received an amuse bouche. More of an hors d’Ĺ“uvre than a course really, but I was still so excited. Look at how cute it is. Those are two tiny salmon cakes. David doesn’t like salmon so I got too. Woohoo!

But let’s quickly move onto the most important course…..dessert! They had two of our favorite desserts on the menu and since the meal had gone so well, we had to finish it off with dessert. I got the apple pie and David selected cheese cake that our waitress made that morning. How bad could that be? Both of our desserts were delicious and the best part was the garnish! It was a yummy little caramel lattice treat. The extra touches really add to the whole experience.

All in all, Blogalicious meeting Fishalicious was the highlight of the trip!

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